Dr. Peter Major

The Candidate of Hungary for the Post of Member of the ITU Radio Regulation Board


I have over two decades of experience in ITU/BR’s multicultural environment. My ability to manage critical situations, my personal integrity, team-player spirit, professional knowledge and sound judgments were highly appreciated and respected by all my colleagues. I possess all the professional and personal qualifications required to become an effective member of RRB.

I have presented and published a great number of articles and papers on a variety of subjects including Radio Regulations and software used by the Radiocommunication Bureau in its regulatory and technical examinations. As a panellist, I moderated and participated in various forums. I delivered lectures and presentations in many international and national forums, universities, and technical institutions.


List of Publications and Seminars Peter Major

Radiocommunication Advisory Group

  1. Report of RAG Correspondence Group on BR Space Information Systems
    ITU, Geneva 2012

ITU Publication

  1. Spectrum Management Booklets - Booklet I: Getting to know radio frequency spectrum and radio communication systems,
    ITU Geneva, 2012

/ BR Seminars, Regional Seminars/Workshops

  1. ITU/BR Regional Seminar, Bangkok -1995
  2. ITU/BR Regional Seminar, Libreville - 1998
  3. ITU/BR Regional Seminar and Workshop, Wroclaw - 1998
  4. ITU/BR World Seminar, Geneva – 1998
  5. ITU/BR Space workshop, Geneva 2000
  6. ITU/BR World Seminar, Geneva – 2000
  7. ITU/BR World Seminar, Geneva – 2002
  8. ITU/BR World Seminar, Geneva -  2004
  9. ITU/BR Regional Seminar, Porto Seguro - 2005
  10. ITU/BR World Seminar, Geneva - 2006
  11. ITU/BR World Seminar, Geneva - 2008

   Workshops and seminars outside ITU

  1. Workshop on Database Design , Budapest, 1992
  2. 1st Seminar on Satellite Communications, Budapest, 1993
  3. 2nd Seminar on Satellite Communications, Budapest,  1994
  4. 5th Budapest International Conference on Up-to-date Satellite Communications, Budapest, 1997

   UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development

  1. Expected results of the CSTD Working Group on Improvements to the IGF (WGIGF), CSTD Inter-sessional meeting,  Manila, 2011
  2. Report on the work of the CSTD Working Group on Improvements to the IGF (WGIGF), CSTD 15th Session, Geneva, 2012
  3. WSIS follow-up, CSTD Inter-sessional meeting,  Lima, 2013   
  4. Outcomes of the First Session of the CSTD Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation (WGEC), CSTD 16th Session, Geneva, 2013
  5. Implementation of the recommendations of the CSTD WGIGF, CSTD Inter-sessional meeting ,Washington D.C., 2013
  6. Status report on the work of the CSTD WGEC, CSTD Inter-sessional meeting, Washington D.C., 2013

   Internet Governance Forums (IGF)

  1. Cyber Security activities in the ITU
    Hyderabad, 2008
  2. Space Network Systems Online of  ITU/BR and Accessibility
    Hyderabad, 2008
  3. A Survey of Accessibility Errors on Homepages of Official Government Websites Sharm el Sheikh, 2009
  4. Beyond the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (panelist) Vilnius , 2010
  5. Implementation of Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability: the Role of the UN and other international organizations,
    Nairobi 2011
  6. IGF 2.0 – reflections on improvements to the IGF
    Nairobi, 2011
  7. Outcomes of the work of the CSTD Working Group on Improvements to the IGF Baku, 2012
  8. Status of the work of the CSTD Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation, Asia-Pacific Regional IGF, Seoul, 2013
  9. Exploring  the Dimensions of Multi-stakeholderism (panelist)
    Bali, 2013

   2nd Cyberspace Conference Budapest

  1. Economic Growth and Development, panelist and moderator, Budapest, 2012

European Commission High Level Internet Group (HLIG) meetings

  1. Report on the work of the CSTD Working Group on Improvements to the IGF, (WGIGF), Brussels, 2013
  2. Structure, working methods and expected  results of the CSTD WGEC,
    Brussels, 2013


  1. Internet Governance – the Global Agenda, Beijing , 2013

   ICANN Studienkreis

  1. Do we need a new Internet diplomacy? (panelist), Oslo, 2012
  2. CSTD WG on Enhanced Cooperation - A new Internet diplomacy (panelist),
    Pisa, 2013

European Summer School on Internet Governance

  1. Report and evaluation of the Work of the CSTD WGIGF,
    Meissen, 2012
  2. Outcomes of the First Session of the CSTD Working Group on Enhanced   Cooperation (WGEC),
    Meissen, 2013
     Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Moscow
  3. World Summit on Information Society ,2013
  4. Internet Governance, 2013
  5. Internet for Growth, 2013

Thesis, dissertation

  1. Leptonic Decays of K0 Mesons Thesis

            Eötvös Roland University
Budapest, 1972 pp.63 (in Hungarian)

  1. Mechanical Theorem Proving Based on Resolution Principle Doctoral Dissertation
    Eötvös Loránd University
    Budapest, 1974 pp.159 (in Hungarian)
  2. Economic Analysis of Computer Applications in Hungary Thesis
    Karl Marx University of Economics Budapest, 1979 pp.93 (in Hungarian)

Scientific papers

  1. Reflections about training of future physicists
    Fizikai Szemle 1970  No 5 p 26-29 (in Hungarian)
  2. Leptonic Decays of K0 Mesons
    co-authors: D. Kiss - E. Nagy - L. Urbán - Gy. Vesztergombi
    Physical Review D l O 1972/8 p. 35-38
  3. Formal methods of program verification co-author: L. Varga
    Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 1975/ 1
    p 37-50 (in Hungarian)
  4. A Methodology for System Development in: Proceedings of Informatica XI.
    Bled, 1975 p 415-420
  5. Computer Aided System Analysis and Design
    in: Proceedings of Conference on Computer Systems Varna,
    1977 p 215-223
  6. Experiences with IDMS in On-line Environment co-authors: Zs. Bidó - P. Halász
    in: Proceedings of IV Database Seminar       
    Schwerin, 1981 p 194-197
  7. System Development Methodology in IDMS Environment
    co-authors: Zs. Bidó -I. Szilvásy
    in: Proceedings of VI. Database Seminar Matrafured ,
    1983 p 231-240


  1. Structured  Programming
    KGTMTI Budapest, 1975 pp 175 (in Hungarian)
  2. Structured Programming using Warnier methodology KGTMTI Budapest, 1976 pp 98 (in Hungarian)
  3. Applications of Computers in Hungary
    A Technology Forecast and Assessment to the year 1990
    co-authors: J. Micsik, P. Pölöskei, A. Szabó, P. Halász, J. Kisdi    
    KSH OSZI and SZAMKI Budapest,1979 pp.146 (in Hungarian)
  4. Software and Hardware Prices
    An Assessment to the Year 1985
    co-authors: P. Halasz, J. Kisdi
    KSH OSZI and SZAMKI Budapest 1980 pp 158 (in Hungarian)
  5. Mini and Microcomputers in Hungary
    A Technology Forecast and Assessment to the year 1990
    co-author: P. Halasz
    KSH OSZI and SZAMKI Budapest 1980 pp 153 (in Hungarian)
  6. Teleprocessing and Computer Networks in Hungary
    A Technology Forecast and Assessment to the year 1990
    co-author: J. Kisdi
    KSH OSZI and SZAMKI Budapest 1980 pp 164 (in Hungarian)
  7. On- line Database Systems
    co-authors : Zs. Bidó, A. Farkas
    OMFB and SZAMALK Budapest 1980 pp.108 (in Hungarian)
  8. Logical and Physical Design of Database Systems using IDMS Vol. I.
    Database Design
    co-authors: Zs. Bidó, K . Kelemen , J. Micsik, I. Szilvasy     SZAMALK Budapest 1982 pp.210 (in Hungarian)
  9. Logical and Physical Design of Database Systems using IDMS Vol. II.
    Program Design
    co-authors: Zs. Bidó, I. Szilvasy
    SZAMALK Budapest 1982 pp.143 (in Hungarian)
  10. Logical and Physical Design of Database Systems using IDMS Vol. IV.
    Phases of System Development
    co-author: E. Budaváry
    SZAMALK Budapest 1982 pp.135 (in Hungarian)


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